Rina Voltsong

A cheerful music box maker and tinkerer looking for strange sounds and junk to build whacky and wild inventions.

"There's Music Everywhere if you Just Listen"

A promising young Machinist and tinkerer, Rina Voltsong grew up in the Golmore Jungle. At a young age she was forced to leave, and set out into the world to see what she could make of herself. A chance encounter with a wandering bard left a strong impression on her, and though she had no aptitude or interest in playing music, the lilting tones of her companion's ocarina stuck with her.Soon she ventured to Ishgard, after the reopening, and took up the study of Machinistry. A strong love of technology and desire to improve the Realm at large helped her find common ground with students of the Skysteel Manufactory. There, as she learned to wield gadgets and guns.As she studied, the rhythmic chuffing, whirring and clanking started to coalesce into more than just noise. She started to hear music everywhere, and those colors she had seen all around her for all her life were became more than just visual noise. She needed to put those sounds into a tangible form, and thus her love of music boxes formed. Mechanical, machinable, real, those music boxes were a way for her to capture the songs she heard all around her.Now, Rina wanders the land of Eorzea, looking for odds and ends, helping those who need assistance with new technologies, and finding new sources of inspiration for her music boxes and their songs.

Rina is a proud student of the Skysteel Manufactory, and it's easy to tell as much. She smells of grease, oil and gunpowder, even if she tries her hardest not to.
Rina loves to toy and tinker with odds and ends. She makes modifications to tomestones and linkpearls, works on her own gear, and is constantly poking her nose where she shouldn't.
Music Maker, but not Player
Rina has a fondness for music, but knows next to nothing about it. She has a decent ear for transcribing it to her music boxes, but much of her musical inspiration comes from the sounds of machines, and her grasp on the technical side of what she does is minimal.
Colors Everywhere
Rina has synesthesia, the noise all around her manifests in colors and shapes that dance in her vision. Sometimes it makes it hard to focus, and often it has proven difficult to manage while working. It's hard to engineer machines when the noise of making them floods her vision with light.
Garbage Collector
Rina loves junk. Her space isn't tidy, she's not very tidy, and she's pretty scatter-brained. She has dozens of projects running at any one time, most of which will never see the light of day. Her room's a mess, and frankly so is she.
No spiritual connection
Beyond what is common for people of the Realm, Rina has very little mastery over aether. Much of her aether manipulation is facilitated by technology, and her grasp and understanding of magicks is borderline nonexistent. That doesn't mean she doesn't eagerly study it, but her knowledge struggles to translate into any real practical application.
Not (Quite) Like the Other Ladies
Rina is a trans woman. She's not bashful about it, but it would be noticeable to the discerning eye. Because of this, she's not overly fond of talking about her former life in Golmore, and tends to avoid the subject.

Name: Rina Voltsong
Race: Rava
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Pansexual
Age: 28
Height: 6 Fulms 3 Ilms (6’3”)
Nameday: 15th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Guardian: Althyk, the Keeper
Eye Color: Pale Yellow
Hair: Sandy Brown with Pink Highlights
Professions: Machinist, Tinkerer, Junk-Collector, Music Box Maker
Favorite Colors: Raptor Blue
Favorite Foods: Coffee, pastries, junk food
Likes: Broken technology, collecting junk, music, her gun Daisy, mid-day naps, carriage rides, cheese, black coffee
Dislikes: Taxes, lactose intolerance, sexism,
Quirks: Bubbly, giggly, chatty, nosey

About the Player
Hey! I go by Khoda, and I'm a 28 year old transfemme role player looking to have a good time and play some games. Roleplay is my primary interest and focus in FFXIV, but I genuinely love this game and the people I have met within the world of Ethyris.
I love everything from cafecore venue evenings to involved, multi-session stories and am always excited to expand my characters and help others expand theirs too.I am open to walk-ups, so if you see me, feel free to say hi! Open to ERP, but only purely in-character as I am in a committed relationship.In my free time I love to draw, read, and play games with friends, like Dead by Daylight and Overwatch.My main characters are all on Crystal | Malboro and Zalera, perhaps I'll see you around!